Town of Sharon Planning Board

Meeting Minutes of 4/2814/10

Amended and Approved on 5/12/10

Amended and Approved 4/28/10

Meeting was held at the Sharon Community Center


Planning Board Attendees

Paul Lauenstein, Chair 

Susan Price, Vice Chair

Eli Hauser

Amanda Sloan  - absent

David Milowe, Clerk  - absent

Peter O’Cain, Town Engineer - absent



NonePaula Vogler, Sharon Advocate

Anne Bingham, 78A Cedar Street

David and Joan Sahl, 82 Cedar Street

Jeffrey Sweet, 90 Cedar Street

Ed Keenan, 32 Gunhouse Street



Chair Report

The meeting was called to order at 7:430 PM by Chair Paul Lauenstein and the Chair’s Report was read. The Board discussed the final invoice from Land Strategies Group, LLC in the amount of $2,753.60 for work performed as related to P.O. Square rezoning and renderings. Ms. Price moved to pay Land Strategies, $2,000 of the invoiced amount because they had performed the majority of the requested work. Mr. Hauser seconded the motion and the Board voted 4-0-0 in favor. A balance of $753.60 remains.


Meeting Minutes

A review of the 3/24 minutes was postponed until the meeting of 4/28.

Ms. Price moved to approve the meeting minutes of 3/24/10 as amended. Ms. Sloan seconded the motion. The Board voted 4-0-0 in favor.


Ms. Price moved to approve the meeting minutes of 4/14/10 as amended. Mr. Hauser seconded the motion. The Board voted 3-0-1 in favor. Ms. Sloan abstained from voting because she was not present for the 4/14/10 meeting.


Form A



Fee Modifications

Peter O’Cain reported that fees for his services have not been changed since 2001. His proposal for increase will bring the fees up to date. Mr. O’Cain was doing a lot of work for developers and was not charging for his services. For example, the proposal is now structured so that there is a fee for a second submission review request. Mr. Milowe stated that these proposed fees now more appropriately value Mr. O’Cain’s services.


The Board reviewed the fee changes and made some minor edits. Mr. O’Cain will update the fees/language appropriately and circulate a final copy. He will also confer with Attorney Gelerman regarding the language.


Ms. Price moved to approve the changes to section 2.5 and 3.3.2 as recommended by Town Engineer, Peter O’Cain. Mr.  Milowe seconded the motion. The Board voted 4-0-0 in favor of this motion.


Public Hearing – Proposed Zoning Use Language Change

At 8 PM Clerk David Milowe read the Public Hearing announcement as appeared in the Sharon Advocate.  “To see if the Town shall amend the Zoning By-Laws of the Town of Sharon as follows:


By amending Section 2313 “Other Permitted Principal Uses” by adding a new section c. In the Rural 2 District only, indoor/outdoor recreation facilities on land owned by a municipal body, other than land under the control of the Sharon Conservation Commission. Provided however, such use is permitted only on a parcel consisting of two or more acres and which parcel is adjacent to existing municipal recreation or park uses. Parcels separated by a road shall be considered adjacent for purposes of this subsection c”, or to take any other action relative thereto.


Chair Lauenstein stated that this initiative was initiated by the Board of Selectmen rather than the Planning Board.


Ed Keenan, 32 Gunhouse Road, who is on the Sacred Heart Reuse Committee, said the Committee was charged by the Selectmen to look at two parcels on East Foxboro Street to determine what can be done. Mr. Keenan stated that the Committee is looking to add a recreational use to this property, particularly one which contains a swimming pool. An RFP will be sent out to about 25 applicants stated Mr. Keenan. The Town will receive property tax for a minimum of 10 years and a maximum of a 20 year lease. By October, the Committee will have interviewed all applicants and they will provide their suggestions to the Board of Selectmen.


Peter O’Cain stated that the purpose of tonight’s meeting is to discuss the zoning by-law change. Sacred Heart is in Rural District 2 and recreational use is not currently allowed. The zoning change would apply to all parcels in Rural 2.


Mr. Keenan commented that the within the survey of Town residents, which was done as part of the Open Space and Recreation Plan, the number one request was for a pool. He also stated that a fire/police municipal building could be placed on the land instead.


Mr. Sweet of 90 Cedar Street asked that if the zoning change is made, would it be consistent for all other parcels. Mr. Lauenstein replied that we need to review the fact that this change would affect other properties. Mr. O’Cain stated that it is Town-owned land so we decide what happens there.


Anne Bingham, 78A Cedar Street, said she wants favorable redevelopment. She thinks the language needs revision to ensure appropriate controls are in place for the building. She wants the restrictions to be clear. She wants a definition of indoor/outdoor. She also stated there is nothing about density in the language and she wants clarity on the parking issues.


Jeff Sweet stated he echoes Ms. Bingham’s comments. He wants to ensure the language does not open up to any uses that would be regretted later. He would welcome a change to Sacred Heart.


Mr. O’Cain stated that there would need to be a site plan review by the Zoning Board so parking would be considered in this scenario.


Chair Lauenstein was not comfortable with the vagueness of the broadness of the indoor/outdoor language vagueness.


Ms. Price moved to close the Public Hearing and Mr. Milowe seconded the motion. The Board voted 4-0-0 in favor of closing the Public Hearing.


The Board began their discussion on this topic. Mr. Milowe and Ms. Price said they were fine with the language. Mr. Hauser commented that the plan would need site plan review; he is comfortable that controls are in place as relates to parking. Mr. Lauenstein commented he would like a better definition of indoor/outdoor recreational facilities to avoid unintended consequences such as water slides or paint ball.


Mr. Hauser also commented that he is unsure if you can have a for profit business in the existing zoning and would like the definition of indoor/outdoor expanded. He suggested Town Engineer O’Cain confer with Attorney Gelerman.


Ms. Price moved to recommend approval of the Zoning Amendment to Section 2313 to Town Meeting as written. Mr. Milowe seconded the motion and the Board voted 3-01 (Mr. Lauenstein abstained).

Sacred Heart Property

The Board discussed the property and its potential uses as well as Attorney Gelerman’s response to previous asked questions. Attorney Gelerman had stated that the property could be used as a business for profit and that any RFP chosen would need a site plan review which would control indoor/outdoor recreational uses such as paintball etc. The Town owns the land. There are checks and balances within the review process to protect the Town’s interests.


Paul Lauenstein said he supports making use of the site of the abandoned Sacred Heart building for a community swimming pool, but he expressed concern that the proposed zoning change was too vague with respect to the proposed uses, opening the door to unintended consequences. He also expressed concern that the proposal included four separate parcels of land, rather than just the parcel with the Sacred Heart building, the purported objective of the rezoning.


Susan Price moved to recommend approval of the zoning change article to Town Meeting. Mr. Milowe seconded the motion. TThe Board voted to suppto support ort the zoning change article, 3-0-1 (Paul Lauenstein abstained).


SignsHousing Production Plan

Jennifer Raitt, Chief Housing Planner at MAPC will speak to the Board on 6/2/10. Via an email, she had reported to the Board that the HPP expires at the end of the year. There are currently no funds available to help the Town with this project. As the plan needs to be updated, she could be hired to assist. The Board discussed a letter sent to Attorney Gelerman from Kyla Bennett, Director of New England PEER, regarding the removal of signs from people’s properties.  Mr. O’Cain stated that when signs went up in opposition to Brickstone, they were taken down by the DPW or Building Inspector because they were deemed to be on Town property. He said many signs were nailed to trees on scenic roads and noted that none were removed until after Town Meeting. Most Towns have rules regarding placement of signs written in to their by-laws, Sharon does not. If signs were removed from personal property that was not the intent. Mr. O’Cain will ask Attorney Gelerman if the Planning Board has any actionable items regarding this issue.  Ms. Price said she would speak to a Town employee from Walpole who is working on its sign by-laws and find out how Walpole handled political signs.



Other Business

·Mr. O’Cain said he has never received an actual approved subdivision

plan for Bella Estates.

·Ms. Price said she forwarded changes to the Post Office Square Zoning to Land Strategies after the last meeting and was waiting for their reply.


Next meeting dates

5/12, 6/2, 6/16



Ms. Price moved to adjourn the Planning Board meeting at 8:309:45 PM. Msr. SloanMilowe seconded the motion and the Board voted 4-0-0 in favor.